The Palliative Care Cancer Research Grant is designed to support research with a focus on the study and investigation of the best practices, approaches, and interventions for the care of people with cancer who have advanced or life-limiting illness

About the Grant

Palliative care cancer research is essential in providing a better quality of life for cancer patients and their families during the course of the disease. Palliative care aims to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of cancer, as well as help patients and their loved one’s cope with the emotional and spiritual challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. 

Each application will be required to provide a hypothesis that addresses a specific research question in palliative cancer care research. This funding is intended to support research projects that will improve the palliative care experience and outcomes for Victorians with cancer. Research projects focused primarily on laboratory-based work, screening, prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancers with curable intent are beyond the scope of this scheme.

Applications may focus on areas of palliative cancer care within clinical research such as designing and testing interventions to:

  • Improve models of care or achieve equitable access to palliative care services (e.g., initiatives to support early referral to palliative care services (including specialist, primary care, and/or community based services))
  • Increase utilisation of palliative radiotherapy to alleviate symptoms of advanced cancer such as pain from bone metastases or neurologic compromise from brain or spinal metastases
  • Integrate palliative care services with cancer services (including systemic anti-cancer therapies, radiotherapy, and/or supportive care services) to facilitate seamless and person-centred care for people diagnosed with advanced cancer 
  • Increase uptake of advance care planning and advanced care directives
  • Increase the number and proportion of patients with a cancer diagnosis referred to specialist palliative care within 12 months prior to death and receiving services within 6 months prior to death
  • Reduce proportion of patients receiving aggressive interventions within 30 days prior to death (while remaining considerate of individual choice)
  • Improve support for family and carers of people undergoing palliative care, including practical and emotional support.

The scheme is open to researchers who meet the eligibility criteria as per the Palliative Care Cancer Research Grant guidelines and is not limited to just applicants from rural or regional areas. From the multiple successful applications VCA may fund, one grant will be awarded to the highest ranked application led by a rural or regional area that meets appropriate standards for funding. The majority of the research team must be based in a rural or regional area of Victoria AND the majority of participants enrolled in the clinical research must reside in a rural or regional area. Unless otherwise formally agreed with the Department, the definition of Rural, Regional and Remote areas for this grant opportunity are locations RRMA Classification 3-7. 

Before you begin

Read the Victorian Cancer Agency Palliative Care Cancer Research Grant Guidelines (Word) to confirm eligibility.

Review the following attachments that may be required:

  • Research Proposal template
  • Research Output template (for the Lead Applicant) 
  • Research Output template (single document combined for all Co-Investigators)
  • Consumer Evaluation Panel Form template
  • Administering Organisation Certification Form
  • Research Organisation Certification Form (if different to Administering Organisation)



Closing date
Grant type